Printmaking Today - Winter 2009 - Issue 72
Contents Volume 18 Winter 2009 Issue 72
Artist Regina Silveira's print installations turns galleries into surprisingly dreamlike illusionistic environments, says Alexia Tala of this significant Brazilian artist's work
Artist Orit Hofshi's monumental, woodcut landscapes are making a powerful impression in Israel's musuems, write Ruhti Ofek and Meira Perry-Lehmann
Artist's Eye Fiona Hepburn on screenprinted 3D fungal flwoer urchins
Artist Edgar Holloway RE, best known for his etched self-portraits, was the last of a historically significant generation of printmakers consides Robert Meyrick
Artist Lynne Avadenka's artist's books make subtle visual connections between language and culture. Nancy Campbell visits her in her Michigan home/studio
Artist's Eye Tobias Till ARE's Westway depicts a London quirky contraditions
International Visiting the Bristihs Musuem's latest print show, Jim Anderson RE assesses Mexico's vigorous print tradition that includes Posada and Rivera
Private Collector David King's Russian graphics show with his new book Tate
Gyotaku Rachel Ramirez on the ancient Japanese art of printing from dead fish
Digital Wet Transfer Janet Curley Cannon's new frontiers in digital printing
Press Engineering Ken Fackrell on making his own wooden etching press
Education David Ferry RE descirbes his plans for print at Cardiff School of Art
Printmaker's Diary Artists travels from Europe and China
Artists' Books
Book Reviews