Printmaking Today - Summer 2024 - Issue 130

Summer 2024  Volume 33 Issue 130

Welcome - Leonie Bradley ARE, Editor


PRINTMAKER’S DIARY Reconnecting Prints - While researching for an upcoming show at the Theodore Monod African Art Museum, Fungai Marima takes in a number of print exhibitions


Workshop - York Centre for Print - Thin Ice Press

Exhibition - Collaborative Print - Remais Modern's Connect Gallery, Saskatoon - Live Editions

Sales - Britain's efforts and ideals - Abbott and Holder and the Imperial War Museum

Book - Shelia Robinson and the Fry Gallery

Project - Illuminating knowledge - Giving Voice and the Society of Antiquaries 

Election - New AREs

Expanded Practice

Black waters - Dominica Harrison 

Warm data - Natalia Kozieł-Kalliomäki


Fading into the Future 
Richard Noyce on the ephemeral print art of Eszter Sziksz that draws parallels between its fleeting nature, our memories and the disappearing Arctic landscape


Mesmerising Maximalism
Tom Hammick journeys through his eclectic art collection, discussing what is it about particular prints that stir and inspire him

Identity Shifts
Printmaking is central to the practice of Bhajan Hunjan, who is celebrated for working with communities to create public art commissions, writes Romina Provenzi

The Change is Now
Artist and educator, Mary Dalton and founder of Washroom Press, is constantly developing more ecological printmaking processes. Here she describes simple changes we must all make now

The Torchbearers 
Sarah Bodman
talks to Natalie Renganeschiat Women’s Studio Workshop about the upcoming anniversary and travelling exhibition

Migrating Print
The work of Finnish artist, Ari Pelkonen, encompasses a multi-disciplinary approach to an exploration of surface, both materially and metaphorically, writes Ruth Pelzer-Montada

Gelli on a Plate
Arboreal artist, Stewart Taylor, achieves remarkable results with Gelli plates. Here he serves up an essential how-to with valuable tips and pitfalls 

All That Shimmers
Exploring the intertwined histories of metal and printmaking, Dr Steve Brown introduces artists currently experimenting with the possibilities they offer

Dr Wendy Rhodes considers failure beyond the ‘happy accident’. How do printmakers respond and move on from failure


Harry Brockway RE (1958-2024)

Ian Rawlinson ARE

Book Reviews




Conversations En Plein Air: Charlotte Hodes
Until 20 Jul
IMAG, Castle Wynd, Inverness IV2 3EB

Diane Victor: Les raisons de la colère
16 Jun–11 Nov
Musée du Dessin et de l’Estampe originale, place Albert Denvers, 
BP 43 – 59820, Gravelines, France

Yoshida: Three Generations of Japanese Printmaking
19 Jun–3 Nov
Dulwich Picture Gallery, Gallery Road, London SE21 7AD


Artist's Eye
Relics Reimagined
Caroline Macdonald won the Printmaking Today award at the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists’ Print Prize 2024 for her print Arcadian

Year 2024
Volume 33
Issue 130