Printmaking Today - Summer 2010 - Issue 74
Contents Volume 19 Summer 2010 Issue 74
Printmakers' Diary
Richard Noyce enjoys spring in Philadelphia
At home with Henry Moore
Henry Moore, celebrated in major exhibitions this year and next, squeezed his fine lithographs into a hectic work schedule, recalls Rosemary Simmons Hon. RE
Design classics
Reynolds Stone, whose engraved device still features on British Passports today, surrounded himself with a distinguished literary and musical circle writes Ian Beck
Prints of Darkness
Why should the devil have all the best tunes, asks Dr Norman Shaw, artist and co-curator of Edinburgh Printmakers' exhibition of prints inspired by record sleeves
CUTTINGS News, Previews and Exhibition Listings
Close scrutiny
Northern Print recently mounted an exhibition of prints from significant private collections in the region. Though lenders to the show preferred to remain anonymous, they were pleased to explain to Julia Bell what drives their collecting habits and enthusiasms
Plein air prints
Hugh Bryden describes an ingenious, effective way of production sophisticated four-colour drypoint sketches
White than white
Digital Ground Edd Pearman on his successful research at London's Royal Academy of Arts, into ways of inkjet printing in white onto coloured papers
Testing, testing
Roadtest The brand new relief inks by Gamblin, from the USA, are put through their paces by five artists of the UK's Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers
Spread the word
Print Biennale Bulgaria's Varna International Print Biennale has an illustrious history. As a brand new Print Gallery prepares to open for the 2011 Biennale, Alexander Adams talks to its Director
Ten years young
As Cambridge's Curwen Print Study Centre celebrates its Tenth birthday, lithography tutor Serena Smith looks at its history, its creative ambitions and its success to date
Artists' Books
Of God and small things
Karen Hanmer's artist's and designer bindings spring from a love of tactility allied with a curiosity that spans the inscrutable and the cosmological, says Sarah Bodman
Book Reviews