Printmaking Today - Summer 2003 - Issue 46
5 Hope Sufferance Press success
6 Only Connect: Mike Sims talks to Tom Hammick about paintings versus prints
8 A fury for prints: Editions Alecto a major new exhibition of this pioneer publisher
10 Taut as a bowstring: Lawrence Smith on Tsuruya Kokei’s haunting Kabuki portraits
14 On the beach: heralding the summer, artists explore the draw of the shore
Stop Press
12 South African Impact conference preview
13 Conservation of digital prints: latest news
16 Northern Ireland print project unveiled
17 Heroes and Villains: Magnus Irvin RE
22 New Akua water-based inks put through their paces by Jacqueline Newell RE plus Natalie Beckert’s inking and cleaning tips
23 Open to suggestion: Anne Desmet RE on presenting work well for open shows
25 Grease is the Word: Paul Croft on useful drawing materials for stone lithography
28 The £250 relief press: a DIV solution
4 LETTERS news and views from readers
18 LISTINGS four pages of the latest print exhibitions and opportunities
30 BOOK REVIEWS David Gentleman, DUrer and Edward Wadsworth
31 ARTISTS’ BOOKS Emma Hill on two new books by Dale Devereux Barker RE
32 RESOURCES studios, services, contacts
33 WEBSIGHT reviews of print websites
34 SUBJECT MATTERS Michael Roseth on Palestinian politics powering his prints