Printmaking Today - Summer 1996 - Issue 18
2 Editorial
3 American Pop impressions Jade R. Dellinger
6 Sally McLaren Michael Blaker
7 Richard Beer James Burr
9 The Angels of Georges Braque Pete Nevin
10 Chernobyl’s 10th anniversary Denise Wy/lie
12 Angela Newberry Katie Clemson
14 Pratt Contemporary Art Richard Noyce
15 Alan Cristea Gallery Ivan Tennant
16 Exhibitions and auction listing
17 Gresham Studio Tessa Sidey
20 The Museum of London Mireille Galinou
21 Book and video reviews
22 Reconstructed fragments Raz Barfield
24 Visualeyes digital printmaking Rosemary Simmons
25 Collotype in Leipzig Joanna Griffin
27 Strengthening dichromates China Hamilton
28 Wood etching Richard Franklin
30 Hot off the press Paul Scott
31 Alternative non-metallic matrices Manuel Castro Cobos
32 Printmaking in Scotland today Alastair Jackson
33 Printmaking in Andorra Jill Loupekine
35 Resources