Printmaking Today - Spring 1999 - Issue 29
6 The impeccable image: the prints of Patrick Caulfield by Mel Gooding Maty Grunberg by Simon Brett.
10 Lebadang: an aerial vision by Anthony Janson.
12 The road to Dong Ho: Simon Redington on print in Vietnam.
13 Surviving war and peace: Vietnamese printmaking on the tourist trail by E.M. Clarke
22 Honolulu Printmakers celebrates
14 Mixed fortunes in Mexico: Catalina 70 years by Melvyn Petterson. Durán on 200 years of lithography.
23 Five years and flourishing: Joe Winkelman on Connecticut GraphicArts Center.
16 With the melting of the snows: Paul Coldwell’s bookwork and installation by Estelle Lovatt
30 Waterless hthography: Peter Wray describes the process.
32 Galvanography revisited by Cedric Green.
4 Stop Press: new spaces for print in London.
17 Stop Press: results of the Albany Print Club prizes.
26 Listings: exhibitions, residencies, conferences and opportunities.
28 Resources.
29 Book reviews: Louisa Buck’s Moving Targets and new publications on Julian Trevelyan and Frederick Carter.
33 Comment: readers’ letters.
34 Subject Matters: Sheila Sloss analyses her own imagery in Doll’s
19 What future for British printmaking? House revisited. Elaine Kowalsky reports.
20 Back to school: Ruth Thomas artist-in-residence in the classroom.
21 Printing at the Potteries: Varvara Shavrova on a museum residency.
24 The birth of Lithonet: Dr Manuel Castro Cobos reports from Sweden.
24 New ground, common ground: the first South African Printmaking Conference by Richard Anderton and Steve Hoskins.
25 Saying and doing: Peter Ford on the Easel Graphics conference and exhibition, Kaliningrad.