Galleries and Print Dealers
Elizabeth Harvey-Lee
Artists prints from the 15th the 20th centuries
Two catalogues per annum by subscription
View by appointment (or at fairs)
1 West Cottages, North Aston, Oxon OX25 5QB
Tel: 01869 347164
Email info@elizabethharvey-lee.com
Elizabeth Harvey-Lee
Rabley Contemporary
Prints, works on paper and fine art editions
Craigie Aitchison, Eileen Cooper, Naomi Frears, Jane Harris, Tom Hammick, Kathering Jones, Sara Lee, Endellion Lycett Green, Nana Shiomi, Emma Stibbon, Sandy Sykes
Rabley Bar, Mildenhall, Marlborough, Wiltshire UK - Tel + 44(0) 1672 511999
E: info@rableydrawingcentre.com
Rabley Contemporary
Davidson Galleries
45 years focused on Antique, Modern, and Contemporary Works on Paper
Contact: Sam Davidson (206) 624-7684
313 Occidental Avenue South Seattle, WA 98104
Cataloques published twice annually
Open: Tuesday-Saturday 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
E: sam@davidsongalleries.com
Davidson Galleries
Pratt Contemporary | Pratt Editions
Contemporary Printers and Publishers collaborating directly with artists, specialising in screenprint, intalgio, relief and digital printing
The Gallery, Igtham, Sevenoaks, Kent TN15 9HH
Tel: + 44 (0) 1732 882326
Email: pca@prattcontemporyart.co.uk
Pratt Contemporary |Pratt Editions
Artizan Editions
Publishers and Printers of Contemporary Original Serigraphs
Direct collaborations with national and international artists
Unit 2 , The New Buildings, Ellwood Road, Milkwall, Coleford, Glos, GL16 7LE Tel: 01594 837060
Email: info@artizaneditions.co.uk
Artizan Editions
Emma Mason Gallery
Specialist original prints by British printmakers - post war to the present day
3 Cornfield Terrace, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 4NN
Emma Mason