Illustration magazine published quarterly
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter Issues
ISSN 1745-5588
Welcome to Illustration magazine. We hope you enjoy it. This magazine was first conceived through a chance conversation in a bookshop in February 2004.
Since then we have begged, bribed and borrowed talent from a wide variety of sources, struggled to come to terms with budgets and talked to as many people in as many relevant fields as possible in a few short months. If we have missed you out, and you would like to be involved, please get in touch with us at office@cellopress.co.uk
The aim of the magazine is simple. We wanted a general magazine about illustration - the artists, the collectors, the collections, the exhibitions, the history, the philosophy and the key events relating to this subject. We wanted to discuss the work of great artists from the past as well as new graduates currently coming out of college. We wanted to explore children’s book illustrators alongside those who work on adult novels and classics - or even political manifestos and train timetables. We wanted to consider the humorous, the serious, the sinister and the surreal.
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