Printmaking Today - Volume 3 - 1994
Cover Image: Revelation II, 1994 by Ana Maria Pacheco, screenprint 1565 x 1175 mm. Published by Pratt Contemporary Art
Cover Image: Top - Fifth variation on 5 Misch Kohn 1992. Hand-made paper, woodcut, engraving, aquatint and chine colle. 812 x 1360 mm
Bottom - Paon de Saturne. Jean Lodge 1991, woodcut, central section of a larger work. 500 x 730 mm
Cover image: Trasnformation: an artist by another 1994 by Elspeth Lamb. Lithograph/screenprint, colour trial proof, 173 x 114 mm
Cover Image: Variations ix; left Stone Pile, right Storm River, 1994 by Brenda Harthill RE. Intaglio collagraphs from a suite of four, each 640 x 240 mm
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