Printmaking Today - Volume 20 - 2011
Cover Image: Shakespeare's Kings 1964 by Bernard Cheese RE. Lithograph, 620 x 490 mm. It was originally made for the RCA Shakespeare Portfolio published by the college in 1964.
Cover Image: Gimenbayin Cave (detail) 2008 by Lena Nyadbi Ethching, 390 x 500 mm. Image courtesy of Warmun Arts. Basil Hill Editions.
Cover Image: The Complete Works of Shakespeare 2011. Dick Jewell. Four -colour photo- litho. 480 x 610 mm. From Folio, a suite prints from the Royal College of Art Printmaking Dept, created in response to Shakespeare and to celebrate the Royal Shakespeare Company's 50th birthday.
Cover Image: Film Noir in Colour. Times Square, New York 2010. Professor Chris Orr MBE RA RE. Lithograph & relief print. 940 x 670 mm.
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